Chelsea Doyle Speaks to Middleschoolers About Digital Media Careers

Chelsea Doyle speaks to students at Freeport Middle SchoolDigital Community Manager Chelsea Doyle was recently invited by Freeport Middle School to speak to four classes of eighth graders about working in digital media. This is part of a regular series at the school to encourage students to learn about different career paths. The teachers believed that the relevance and popularity of social media would be of particular interest to this age group. Chelsea spoke about her history in journalism, and how getting involved in online technology began as a hobby.

The students were very engaged and asked serious, well-thought out questions, ranging from favorite social networking platforms to what the future of technology as a whole might be. The teachers also asked questions, and one encouraged Chelsea to talk about being conscientious about what is posted online and the permanence of an online presence. The conversation encouraged positive thinking about the power and fluidity of technology and the internet, and that passion hobbies can be turned into real career opportunities.  She was asked to return in January and speak to Freeport High School students next.