A Screen Cap Is Worth a Thousand Words

Anytime you find yourself trying to describe elements or activities on your monitor, consider capturing the image and using it to illustrate the concept.

Did you know that you can do screen captures on most smart phones and tablets as well as your desktop or laptop computer.

Use screen captures:

  • To show someone else how to use a feature in a program
  • To remind yourself how to do a task that you frequently forget
  • To document a problem or issue you are having so you can get help with it

The sample below is a video screen capture that explains how to use the Snipping Tool, a standard Windows application.

How to use the Snipping Tool in Windows

Quick guide for taking captures on different devices

Static Capture Video Capture
Mac desktop or laptop Cmd + Shift + 4, then drag to define the area you want to capture  QuickTime Player, File menu > New Screen Recording
Windows desktop or laptop Snipping Tool  XBox app or TinyTake free download
iOS Hold power button, tap home button (Requires iOS 11. Go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls > Add Screen Recording)

Swipe up to access Controls, tap Record button

Hard press to record with audio

For more information or help learning how to do screen captures, go to http://support.bowdoin.edu.