Better Mobility and Easier Navigation Come With CMS Upgrade

Last week Mark Leaman, IT’s web systems administrator, upgraded Bowdoin’s web content management system (CMS) to a new and more stable version and went very smoothly with minimal downtime. The upgrade included changes and fixes to things in the background but also to the user interface which may be of interest to those who use CMS on a regular basis.

  • Larger icons. The links used to expand and collapse folders in the left-hand navigation have had a makeover making them easier to see and click on.
  • Better mobility. Need to change something on your website in an emergency and all you have is a Smartphone or tablet? The login screen, dashboard and editing windows now resize for mobile devices.

Need to login to CMS or request access to use CMS to manage your department web site? Visit the Digital and Social Media website for these and other resources including new web tools.